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JGYF Research Institute

Focused on market research and insights intotechnological innovation, the institutepublishes professional content such as marketanalysis reports, industry trend forecasts, andin-depth project evaluations, providingdecision-making references for users and theindustry. The research institute closelymonitors cutting-edge areas such asblockchain underlying technology, Layer 2scalability, cross-chain interoperability, andprivacy computing, interpreting policy andregulatory changes to help users graspinvestment opportunities and compliancerisks. Through collaboration with academia,industry, and research sectors, it promotes thedeep integration of theory and practice.

JGYF Developer Community

Provides developers with rich tools andresources, including open-source projectsupport, development documentation, SDKs,APl interfaces, etc., to facilitate rapid platformintegration. The community hosts hackathons,developer competitions, and establishesproject funding programs to stimulateinnovation.Forums, online seminars, and offlineactivities build a communication platform fordevelopers to promote collaboration and shareexperiences.